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January 21,2022

Peer review is a vital process in scholarly publications whereby scientific experts evaluate a manuscript and recommend whether an author’s research is suitable for publication. Peer review process ensures that quality manuscripts advancing the knowledge in the medical field are published by the medical journals. Peer review process acts as controller in promoting relevant and good science.

A theory or a claim is usually not recognized by the scientific community unless published in a peer-reviewed journal. In addition, only peer-reviewed journals are considered eligible for Impact Factors by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).

January 9,2022

Systemic reviews published in the medical journals are highly read and sought after by the readers; however, about 7% of systematic reviews are inaccurate the day they are published. Currently, there is no provision to update these reviews periodically.

It has been suggested that these systemic reviews published by medical journals be periodically updated, such as at least once a month with the latest developments in the respective field. Since these reviews are UpToDate with the current research, these are called Living systemic reviews.

Once these reviews are updated, they are usually published online only with connotations showing the revision and the date it was revised.

September 21,2021

  1. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal publishing the latest developments in Radiology and Imaging sciences. It’s published by Scientific Scholar (
  2. 30 % of our manuscripts come from the USA, and 18% come from India and the rest from other parts of the world.
  3. 248,749 Radiologists and Imaging specialists have visited the journal website from Jan 1st to sept 20th 2021-

September 20,2022

  1. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal publishing the latest developments in Radiology and Imaging sciences. It’s published by Scientific Scholar (
  2. 30 % of our manuscripts come from the USA, and 18% come from India and the rest from other parts of the world.
  3. 248,749 Radiologists and Imaging specialists have visited the journal website from Jan 1st to sept 20th 2021-

May 8,2020

We all know that this virus has caused extreme pain to each and every one on this planet. There are very confusing statements regarding this virus.


  1. Hydroxy chloroquine as touted by many world leaders as panacea of treatment for Corona virus infection is not true. This drug has not been found to be effective in treating the patients with COVID-19. Infect there is increased risk of cardiac rhythm abnormalities and dying from it then the cure.
  2. Remdesivir: This drug has shown some limited use, patients on Remdesivir recovered from Covid infection 3 days before the patients not on Remdesivir. This study was in patients who were admitted in the hospital. Please note this drug is administered Intravenously.
  3. Plasma treatment: Data is not clear.

February 8,2020

What is a predatory Journal?

A journal that publishes a Scientific material without peer review for a financial gain. These journals do not follow the established ethical guidelines for academic works. Jeffery Beall a libertarian from Colorado, USA coined this term and you can refer to his list of predatory journals:

How do you spot a Predatory Journal?

These journals have websites that almost resemble well established journals. They usually do not have an Editor in Chief and if listed you will not be able to contact him. Most of the editorial board members are fake. There turnaround times are very short and will be ready to publish anything you submit. Indian express did a wonderful job of investigating the Predatory publishers in India, please read their article:

January 20,2020

Scientific Scholar ( is a boutique publisher of Scientific Peer-Reviewed journals based in the USA with its subsidiary office in Mumbai- India.
The main objective of this publisher is to publish peer-reviewed journals that are run by well-established editors such that there is full compliance with ethical guidelines as laid down by the COPE.
Scientific Scholar has a very accomplished academic team and owns its manuscript management system- Editorial assist ( They are currently publishing 24 Journals from various parts of the world.

January 20,2020

Scientific Scholar ( provides a Manuscript Management System, this system ( is based on Drag and Drop functionality and is available to publishers for licensing.

Scientific Scholar also provides a full package consisting of Copyediting, Pagination, Website upload, printing and worldwide mailing. Our quality is of the highest standard with 24/7 technical support and very competitive rates.